Την Τετάρτη 10 Απριλίου και ώρα 12:00 - 15:00, στο Αμφιθέατρο του κτιρίου Γεωγραφίας, θα πραγματοποιηθούν ανοικτές διαλέξεις δύο επισκεπτών καθηγητών, της Kerstin Borcchardt, Associate Professor at the Institute of History and Theory of Art at Catholic Private University Linz και του Burak Amirak, Senior Lecturer, Izmir University of Economics, Communications Faculty, Public Relations and Advertising Department.
1. 12:00-13.30: Kerstin Borcchardt, Superhumans and the Monstrous Feminine: Post- and Transhumanist Concepts of Overcoming the Classical Categoria Humana in Art, Comics and Movies (Διάλεξη σε μορφή workshop και συζήτηση) 2. 13:30- 15:00: Burak Amirak, Creativity Open Lecture (Ανοικτή διάλεξη για τη δημιουργικότητα στις δημόσιες σχέσεις και τη διαφήμιση)
1. Kerstin Borcchardt, Superhumans and the Monstrous Feminine: Post- and Transhumanist Concepts of Overcoming the Classical Categoria Humana in Art, Comics and Movies
In this public lecture / workshop, we will discuss two influential conceptions of posthuman(ist) transgressions of the traditional western idea of the human category against their historical backdrop and political implications. One conception introduced in the first part of the workshop is the “Übermensch” (superhuman) in the tradition of Friedrich Nietzsche and its controversial afterlife in politics, transhumanism, and popular media especially in US-American superhero comics. The second conception is the feminist idea of the “Monstrous Feminine” (Barbara Creed) to overcome a male oriented anthropocentrism in favour of a liminal and monstrous femininity and / or androgyny, which will be demonstrated at the movie franchise following Ridley Scott’s blockbuster “Alien” (orig. 1979) and read against current posthumanist theories such as Anya Heise-von der Lippe’s “Posthuman Gothic” (2017).
2. Burak Amirak, Creativity Open Lecture
Creativity was only a subject of academia in early 1960’s. Until then the discussion was mostly on imagination. Education and creative industries led the term into more research. This lecture not only will explore what creativity is but also where creativity is. The attendees and/or students are to question the concept of creativity in all areas.
1. CV Kerstin Borchhardt
Kerstin Borchhardt is an Associate Professor at the Institute of History and Theory of Art at Catholic Private University Linz. She has worked as a postdoc and lecturer at several German Universities and was a cooperating partner at UNAM in Mexico City. Her research interests include hybrid creatures, posthumanism, and the relationship of art, science, and popular culture. She has published several books and articles and is an organizer and speaker at international conferences and events.
See also:
https://kulinz.at/fileadmin/user_upload/FB_Kunstwissenschaft/Personen/Material_Borchhhardt/CV_Projects_Publi cations_Kerstin_Borchhardt_engl.pdf
2. Burak Amirak, PhD
Senior lecturer at İzmir University of Economics, Communication Faculty (PR & Advertising Department) in Turkey, specialized on advertising. Formerly strategic (account) planner director for international (VML/Y&R and LOWE) agencies in Istanbul. PhD on the topic 'Exploring the relation between strategic (account) planning and creativity processes'. One of the outcomes of the research is a process model of strategic (account) planning in the creative process. 25+ years of experience in several areas of PR, advertising and brand management